The Sinclair
Spectrum Games
Finder Service


When Sue Beddowes got home after a night out and checked how her latest eBay auctions had gone, at first she must have wondered whether she had over-indulged.

Sue benefited in spectacular style from the current spate of silly bidding for Spectrum stuff on eBay, raking in an impressive £53.90 for HRH by 8th Day - not bad for an ageing piece of plastic and card that cost £6.95 back in 1986.

"I have to say I was absolutely dumbfounded when I saw what HRH went for," Sue told The Lair. "I had just come home after a night out and had a look to see how the auction had gone and for once my husband found me speechless. Needless to say he'd like to repeat the occasion," she jokes.

"The chap who bought it had been waiting for it to come along for a long time and was determined to buy it come what may which has probably inflated the price."

Aside from HRH, Sue has been selling off most of her Spectrum adventure games collection in recent weeks, including several other hard-to-find 8th Day titles. And quick look at her auctions reveals she has done rather well.

"I had no idea that these games would be so sought after," she told us. "I used to enjoy the 8th Day games as they were a little different from the run-of-the-mill games that were available at the time."

Sue started auctioning off her Spectrum software after clearing out her loft. "I started off with the shoot 'em up type games but they didn't go terribly well and wasn't going to bother with the adventure games.

"I put the Commodore ones on first and when they took off and my computer died on me I thought I would try to raise funds for a new computer and believe me I have.

"The pity of it though is that my sister, who was a bigger adventure fan than me, threw away three black bags of adventure games last year thinking they were not worth anything at all."

The Lair can picture perfectly the reaction of Andy Barker and other members of the Spectrum Tape Preservation team when they r
ead that last comment!

* Click here to bid for rare Spectrum adventure games on eBay.


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